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ADHD Assessments

Kathy Miller our ADHD Online Specialist

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect a person's ability to pay attention, control impulsive behaviours, and manage hyperactivity. 
An ADHD assessment is a comprehensive evaluation process conducted by our psychologist to diagnose Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in individuals. 


At Ikigai Psychology Clinic, we provide assessments for children, adolescents and adults to support them in understanding their neurodevelopmental concerns.

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What is ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopment condition that affects how people pay attention, control their impulses, and manage their energy levels and/or emotions.


It's like having a super energetic brain that sometimes wants to do too many things at once. Here's a quick rundown of what ADHD is and how it's diagnosed, along with some common myths and strategies to cope with it.

ADHD Assessment

How to get an assessment 

ADHD Assessment: The purpose of an ADHD assessment and diagnosis is to offer you and other professionals the information they need to understand and support you with your condition. Our ADHD Assessment assessment is conducted online in three phases. The fee is charged at the beginning of each stage. The total cost of the ADHD assessment is the initial appointment fee + assessment + feedback session.


Phase 1: Initial Appointment ($230)*


You will have a 50-minute consultation with your Psychologist to discuss your concerns for ADHD. Your Psychologist will conduct a screener to determine whether further testing is needed.


Phase 2: Assessment ($860)*


The assessment phase will take approximately 120 minutes. Once the evaluation is complete, your Psychologist will write a report and provide you with some feedback about your diagnosis.


Phase 3: Feedback and Result ($215)*


At this session, you will discuss the assessment results and what steps to take after your diagnosis. Your Psychologist may coordinate support with other health professionals. After your assessment, you may continue receiving therapy from one of our Psychologists in person or online.


Total Price: $1305*


* additional fees will be charged for after hours appointments. 


Please note that access to some supports (i.e., NDIS, medication for ADHD) typically requires engagement with other professionals, i.e., a paediatrician or psychiatrist to prescribe medication for ADHD.


Going through an assessment for ADHD may not always lead to an ADHD diagnosis; your Psychologist may determine that you may need further testing, especially if your symptoms are consistent with differential diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability or learning disorder. 



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Inattentive Type

People with this type of ADHD struggle with maintaining focus, following instructions, and organizing tasks. They may often seem forgetful and have difficulty completing tasks.

Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

This type is characterized by impulsive behaviors and hyperactivity. Individuals may interrupt others, have difficulty waiting their turn, and appear constantly on the go.

Combined Type

This is the most common form of ADHD and combines both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.

Common Myths

There are several misconceptions about ADHD:


1.  ‘ADHD is Just Laziness’: One common myth is that people with ADHD are simply lazy. In reality, ADHD is a neurobiological condition that affects brain functions which is usually referred to as ‘neurodiversity’.


2.  ‘ADHD Only Affects Children’: While symptoms often appear in childhood, ADHD can persist into adulthood, and many adults can go undiagnosed.


3. ‘Medication is the Only Solution’: Whilst medication can be part of the treatment plan, it is not the only option. Behavioral therapies, lifestyle changes, and coping strategies are also important and can be of great benefit.

Why Get Assessed


The primary purpose of an ADHD assessment is to determine if an individual meets the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis. It involves gathering information about the individual's symptoms, behaviors, and history to assess whether these align with the diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Tailored Treatment

An ADHD assessment can provide a clear understanding of the individual's specific symptoms and challenges. This information is crucial for developing a treatment plan tailored to their needs, which may include behavioural interventions, counseling, medication, or a combination of these approaches.

Rule Out Otehr Conditions

The assessment process also helps rule out other conditions or disorders that might have similar symptoms to ADHD. It's essential to ensure that the symptoms are not the result of another medical or psychological issue.

Educational and Workplace Accommodations:

A formal ADHD diagnosis is often necessary to access accommodations in educational settings and the workplace. This can include things like extended testing time, classroom modifications, or workplace adjustments to help individuals with ADHD succeed.


Individuals with ADHD may perform compensatory behaviours, including avoiding social engagements for fear of offending others, arriving extra early for fear of being late, over-preparing for tests and interviews, and turning to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or drugs to self-medicate. 

What Assessment Involves

Clinical Interviews

You Psychologist may ask you a variety of questions through a structured interview process to gain information about your struggles in various contexts including at school, work and at home. 

Testing and Examination

Psychological tests may be administered to assess cognitive and emotional functioning. Your Psychologist may refer you to other health professionals for further examinations if needed to rule out other conditions.

Questionnaires and Rating Scales

Various standardized questionnaires and rating scales are often used to assess ADHD symptoms and their severity. These may be completed by the individual, parents, teachers, or other relevant observers.

Behavioural Observation

Behavioral observations in different settings, such as at home, at school and work, can provide valuable insights into the individual's behavior and symptoms. These observations can be observations collected from others such as questionnaires completed from others who have observed your behaivour.

Developing Self-Awareness

Getting an ADHD assessment has been one of the most validating experiences in most people's lives. Understanding they have ADHD helped them to get the support they need to stop the self-blaming. 


Most people with ADHD suffer from rejection sensitivity. You may have felt that you are "too hard" or "too difficult" because of the feedback you received from your external environment. You learn differently and feel either understimulated or overstimulated. Remember, you have a creative brain, a brain that can think fast, and you are entertained mainly by big ideas, not tedious repetitive tasks. 


It's okay not to be able to do things like others. You are you, and you are unique in the most beautiful way! Getting an ADHD assessment may help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and support you in redefining who you are. 

How to Get Assessed

Book an Initial ADHD Consult

Book an initial ADHD Consult with our Psychologist Kathy Miller online for an initial session. During this session you can discuss with Kathy about your ADHD concerns and she can discuss with you whether you will need an ADHD assessment.


The assessment will take approximately 2 hours and will be conducted online. The assessment is in a structured interview format and your psychologist may also ask you fill our a questionnaire about your behaviour.


During the feedback session you will receive a report from your psychologist along with strategies to help you manage your ADHD.

You can continue to receive treatment to manage your ADHD from Kathy, or you may choose to see one e of our Psychologists in person.

Get the support you need

Book an appointment online to speak to an ADHD  Assessment specialist

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More Questions?

Visit our FAQ page and select "ADHD Assessment" under the available categories or contact our friendly administration team.

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